Since we are having long and extended vacation, we have some requirements that were not submitted on time. You might want to follow the ff:
For Portfolio
I have already selected the best portfolio for binding (hard bound).
Rush Hour Michael Joe Delizo
Chinatown Arianne Palma and Krystal Sinay
Poverty Kim Reyes
Quiapo Dennis Aguete and Marjorie Velasquez
Luneta Julie Ann Virata and Edyssa Obemio
Julie Ann - Please work with the group and come up with the best layout for the portfolio. I want the group to use a design that is customary for the portfolio. I also suggest that for each theme, there should be a blank page where the theme (ex: Luneta) will reflect. Instead of using wallet size prints, you will be reproducing the photos and this time it all should be 3R, with boarder. Two photos per page will do. I also want the photos to have the same placements per page.
Note : For those who hasn't submitted their portfolio, please work on it the soonest. Otherwise you will be having INC on your classcard. Portfolio must be submitted on Monday, Feb 22. I will text Dessa for the details as to where you will submit the portfolio. You may now get all your porfolio at the faculty room.
For Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day
Please upload all your photos on our online gallery NOT LATER THAN SUNDAY, Feb 21. Please mirror Rozanne's format. Copies of photos will be submitted on our next class.
Group 4 and 5
We will have the presentation on our next meeting. The workshop will be conducted on March 6 or March 13.
Rozanne - I will be sending you an email over the weekend with regards to the result of the mid term examination. Discussion will include areas where we need to focus on the workshop based on the lowest number of scores per topic.
Final Examination will be discussed on our next meeting.
I will see you all on Saturday. Same time. Same place. Same faces :)
p.s. for any questions/clarifications, you may direct all your queries to Dessa.
Sir Edong :)
noted, sir :)